I just want to put a formal happy fathers day out to my husband Spanky for without me, your day would not be possible :)

and my personal favorite. The act of actually "becoming" a father.

The adventures of a wife, mother photographer, friend, chauffer, chef, hiney wiper, monster slayer, maid, did I mention hiney wiper?
OHMIGOD... I just spewed coffee out my nose... OUCH. I hold you personally responsible. Thank you for that, um, lovely fly image that will be burned into my brain all day! LOL! You craaaaaaaaaack me up.
Okay, so I'm a total stalker... can you see me in your stats? Do I show up? Do you know that I come here all the time (and I get a little pissy when you're behind on blogging cause I count on you to give me a good laugh many days...) and laugh my brains out reading your posts? I think you are the funniest person I've never met! I'd LOVE to meet you some day. For real. Only I worry that I would come home with the worst stomach ache from laughing so hard. Truly though... I must meet you. :)
Keep on writing b/c you have SUCH a gift!!!!
Love your blog and your musings... and man, you're just too dang funny.
Stacy Murphy (from ILP!)
STACY, i love you. Will you marry me? I'll meet you in Vegas. I'll be the one with the bright green fro wig ;) You have totally made my year :)
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