So I havent really been doing the best job with posting a photo a day. I'm trying REALLY hard people. I swear. I'm sacrificing valuable me time to be here with you all. I could be like, washing my hair, or underwear or something. But no, I love you all so much (all 4 of you) that I forgo the silkiness of my blond tresses just to post for you all. Cause I love you. All of you. All 4 of you.
So today this post is about you. The wonderful fans. This is for you "C" from SoCal. You know who you are. You make me happy when skies are gray. You scare me a little bit too but thats okay-we're working through it. So come on yall! Lets see your best "ode to missy" photos or drawings or whatever you want to do. Make a wonderful mold out of doggie doodie
I love you too my happy little stalker!!!
Well, I KNOW the C aint me, nope, cause I'm not scary, no, not me....*hides back up in the tree again*
Oh, you crack me up!!! I will admit, I am your stalker... but I am a super fun stalker!! I am so fun, I wish I could stalk myself!!
thanks for making me laugh day after day... and for taking such beautiful pictures (well, aside from the rainbow dog dookie)
Are you feeling the love? Over half of your faithfulls have now left you comment :) you know you're my daily dose of giggles thanks for keeping it going for 100 days! Here's to only 266 more :D
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