Okay so we decided to do some sledding behind the house today. Even "I" joined in. Yes, I went down on the kids sled. I think I pulled my pancreas or something. Can I sue myself? Who should I hold liable? If I go bankrupt paying myself, am I essentially making a profit? Depends on how you picture the glass, half full or half empty.
The kicker is, when the hubster tried to help me up all I did was keep sliding because I was stuck to the sled.
Have a spongy cake on me but dont make fun of my outfit. I had on a sweater that I found in the van that has holes chewed all in the arms because I apparently have a rodent of some kind living off of my stale special k bars and sweaters. I have on jeans that are a few sizes to big because I'm on a diet and refuse to purchase new pants until I know I wont have to buy more for a while. Last but not least I have on the hubsters shoes and no socks. I'm a fashion disaster what can I say.
Why sled you ask? Well as my all time favorite movie quote says "Fifty years when your looking back at your life, dont you want to be able to say, you had the guts to get into the car?" Dude, I got in the car.
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